Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

Passo and Minetz Obtain Appellate Victory, Restoring Client's Rights to Ownership and Management of Caribbean Hotel

The sharks were circling around an LLF client until Alex Passo and Bob Minetz came and beat them back. The two attorneys recently obtained an appellate victory that restored the client's ownership and management rights in a boutique hotel in the Turks & Caicos islands, reversing an adverse trial court decision. . . . [READ MORE]

LLF and Alex Passo Secure Huge Win For Ukrainian Client Against Company Using The War As Cover For Breach of Contract

The war in Ukraine is an unspeakable tragedy on many levels. In addition to the human costs, the invasion also threatened the country's booming and well-respected technology sector that attracted clients from all over the world. Despite the war's travails, the perseverance and resilience of Ukraine-based tech companies allowed them to continue serving their clients without disruption or diminished service. . . . [READ MORE]

In the Wake of the FTC's Proposed Ban on Non-Competes, NLRB Ruling Now Puts Non-Disclosure and Non-Disparagement Provisions On The Chopping Block

For the second time in a matter of months, a federal agency has put another nail in the coffin for provisions in employment and severance agreements that protect employers from a departing or terminated employee's harmful post-employment conduct. . . . [READ MORE]

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