Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

Peloton and The Dangers of Spinning Into "Genericide"

"Cancel culture" may or may not be an actual thing, but canceling trademarks certainly is. Every year, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) cancels thousands of trademark registrations for a variety of reasons. . . . [READ MORE]

Employers Can Require Workers To Get the COVID-19 Vaccine, Subject to ADA and Religious Concerns

The pace of COVID-19 vaccinations is picking up speed, with millions of Americans getting their shot each day. But not everyone is on board. . . . [READ MORE]

What You Need To Know About The Revised ALTA/NSPS Survey Standards

In major real estate transactions, an "ALTA Survey" is a critical document that purchasers, sellers, lenders, title insurers, and other interested parties rely on to evaluate the potential risks and benefits associated with the property. . . . [READ MORE]

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