Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

Assessing Your Company's Intangible Assets

The end of the year is an excellent time for business owners to review the intellectual property of their business and create a plan for securing protection in the new year . . . [READ MORE]

Victory for Latimer LeVay Fyock's Client Dominion Dental USA, Inc.

On November 5, 2019, a World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") Panel issued a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("UDRP") decision in favor of Dominion Dental USA, Inc. ("Dominion"), for the domain name . . . [READ MORE]

U.S. Licensed Attorneys Will Soon Be Required at the USPTO For Foreign Trademark Applicants, Registrants and Litigants

On August 3, 2019, a new United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) rule takes effect requiring foreign-domiciled trademark applicants, registrants and Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB) litigants to be represented at the USPTO by a U.S.-licensed attorney. This new rule even concerns Canadian trademark filers. . . . [READ MORE]

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