Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

LLF's Bob Minetz and Monica Palermo Obtain Reversal Of Adverse Administrative Decisions For Cannabis Clients

The cannabis industry in Illinois is booming. But those who wish to be part of the state's "green rush" in any capacity – whether as a dispensary, cultivator, distributor, infuser, or other type of business - must first get the approval of either the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) or the state Department of Agriculture. The denial of a license application by one of these entities is often the end of the road for the applicant, as agency decisions are notoriously difficult to challenge and overturn. But in two separate cases, LLF lawyers Bob Minetz, Saskia Bryan, and Monica Palermo recently accomplished precisely that, reviving their clients' hopes after being improperly denied the licenses and approvals that the agencies should have granted. . . . [READ MORE]

Gen Z Grew Up Freely Sharing Photos and Videos, But The Consequences Can Be Costly If They Do So On Behalf of Your Business

Much ink has been spilled writing about the arrival of Generation Z into the workplace. These discussions usually focus on how companies need to adapt to the experiences, expectations, and habits of a group that has grown up with the internet, social media, and limitless technology at their fingertips since kindergarten. For this generation, sharing photos, videos, memes, and music online is second nature, and they copy, paste, and post others' online content without giving it a second thought. But Gen Z's carte blanche attitude towards sharing could have costly consequences for their employers if they post or use others' copyrighted material on the employer's behalf without permission from the copyright holder. . . . [READ MORE]

Recent LLF Victory: When An Opposing Party Has No Leg To Stand On, Don't Give Them One

People often reach out to an attorney with a simple question: "Can I be sued for this?" Regardless of the specific claims or issues involved, the answer is always "yes." Anyone can sue anyone else for anything; all it takes is filing a complaint with the clerk of court and paying the applicable fee. Of course, just because someone can file a lawsuit does not mean they actually have a viable claim or even the flimsiest leg to stand on. That is why judges throw out countless cases well before trial. But even a meritless suit can cause headaches for the party on the receiving end, especially if that party has legitimate claims of its own. . . . [READ MORE]

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