Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

Paying Agreed-Upon Compensation Isn't Brain Surgery: LLF's Alex Passo Obtains Six-Figure Settlement For Wrongfully Withheld Pay for Neurosurgeon

The details may differ, the terms may vary, and the parties' mutual duties, responsibilities, and expectations may be distinct, but all employment relationships come down to one fundamental principle: pay the worker the agreed-upon amounts for performing the work they were hired to do. This is the law, plain and simple, whether applied to an at-will minimum-wage employee or to a respected and in-demand neurosurgeon who was lured away from a coveted academic position with promises that ultimately went unfulfilled, and representations that turned out to be untrue. . . . [READ MORE]

FTC Final Rule Bans Most – But Not All – Non-Competition Agreements

With the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) recent approval of its Final Rule banning non-competes, almost all existing and future such agreements are no longer worth the paper they're printed on. Though litigation challenging the rule's validity was launched almost immediately after its issuance, the ban represents a sea change in employment law that all employers will need to adapt to as they consider alternative ways to protect their trade secrets, confidential information, and other business interests. . . . [READ MORE]

Labor and Employment Law Update FAQs: Learn How To Keep Your Company's Greatest Asset – Your Workforce – From Becoming a Source of Liability

Few areas of the law change as often and impact as many people and businesses as employment law. Each year, new and amended statutes, regulations, ordinances, and policies at the federal, state, and local levels alter the rights of workers or expand the obligations of employers. . . . [READ MORE]

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