Latimer LeVay Fyock, LLCLatimer LeVay Fyock, LLC

Chicagoans Who Employ Domestic Workers Must Provide Them With Written Contracts As Of January 1, 2022

In Chicago, the new year brings with it new rights for nannies, home care aides, home cleaners, and other domestic workers, and new obligations for those who employ them. . . . [READ MORE]

DOL Announces New Final Rules For Tip Pooling and Tip Credits

Businesses with tipped employees will need to review their compensation policies and practices to ensure compliance with two new final rules regarding tip pooling and tip credits. Published by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) in September and October 2021, the rules modify and clarify how employers may treat and account for compensation received by employees who rely on tips for some or most of their income. . . . [READ MORE]

Challenging The Narrative – Part I: Securities Professionals and Claims Arising From False or Inaccurate Reasons For Termination

In most industries, the deterioration of an employer-employee relationship is not a matter of public record. Even in situations where an employee is terminated for malfeasance or egregious errors, the substance of those acts and the circumstances of their termination usually stay within the four walls of their now-former office. But FINRA-registered representatives, including registered brokers or financial advisors ("associated persons"), don't have the luxury of such discretion. . . . [READ MORE]

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